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Resolving Complaints

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After a complaint is made the Commission will help the parties try to resolve the matter by agreement. If it cannot be resolved by agreement there will be an investigation after which the Chief Commissioner will decide what other steps, if any, need to be taken.

Resolution by Agreement

An agreement to resolve the issue can be made any time up until a court order is made in the case.

Complaints can and often are resolved by agreement between the parties. Mediation may be used to help the parties come to an agreement. To resolve a human rights complaint an employer could agree to:

  • Provide or have the harasser provide a letter of apology.
  • Provide education about human rights laws and workplace harassment to the workplace.
  • Reinstate the person if they have been let go.
  • Compensate the person for wages they lost because they were wrongfully let go.
  • Make a payment to the person for damage to their dignity, feelings or self-respect as a result of the discrimination.
  • Provide the person with a Letter of Reference if they are seeking employment elsewhere.


If the complaint is not resolved by agreement there will be an investigation. An impartial investigator talks to the parties and witnesses to try to determine what happened. They will also examine any supporting documentation. After the investigation the Chief Commissioner decides if the complaint should be...

  • dismissed
  • sent to a court hearing
  • investigated further
  • dealt with in another way

PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training

CHECK IT OUT We're here to help.

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About PLEA

PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.