Next to buying a home, a vehicle may be the most significant purchase you make. You may want to lease or buy a new or used vehicle. Eventually you will need to deal with repairs. Maybe a warranty applies to the situation. Knowing your legal rights regarding vehicles can help you avoid problems.
Vehicle dealers must be licensed and comply with rules designed to protect people buying or leasing a vehicle. If you buy from a private seller, you do not have these protections.
You may be considering leasing a vehicle instead of buying one. Information about the pros and cons and your rights and responsibilities under a lease can help you make the decision that is right for you.
A new vehicle is a significant purchase. Knowing what information you should have as well as your consumer rights can help you make a good decision.
Buying a used vehicle can be a good deal. However, if you are buying used, especially from a private seller, it is important to take certain precautions.
There are a number of different warranties that you may be entitled to by law, receive with your purchase or pay extra for. A warranty gives you the right to have certain defects repaired, usually at no cost to you. It is important to know your warranty rights so you can get the most from it.
Part of owning a vehicle is dealing with repairs. There are steps you can take to help ensure that repairs are done well and steps you can take if you are unsatisfied with a repair or a repair bill.
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