The federal, provincial and municipal levels of government are responsible for many different things. They often create government agencies to perform specific tasks for them.
In Canada, there are two primary levels of government. These are the federal and provincial governments. The federal government manages issues that cover all of Canada. This includes things like the criminal law and banking.
The provincial governments manage things that are specific to their province. This includes healthcare and education. Provinces also create municipalities, such as cities, towns and RMs, that are their own level of government. Provinces give municipalities responsibilities for things like fire protection and parking within their boundaries.
A government agency is an organization that is created by the government. It performs a specific task that the government has delegated to it. Common activities of these agencies include things like:
These agencies often include the word “board”, “commission” or “tribunal” in their name. Examples of government agencies include:
A government agency, for example, might determine:
Government agencies have a duty to follow the law and to treat people fairly when making these decisions.
There are rules in place to ensure accountability and fairness in the decisions a government agency makes. Government agencies have a duty to follow the law and to treat people fairly.
Income support may be available to eligible Saskatchewan residents who are otherwise unable to meet the basic cost of living.
eHealth Saskatchewan oversees health registries and vital statistics and establishes procedures for things like registering a birth or changing your name.
Most employers and employees in Saskatchewan are governed by the Employment Standards set out in Part II of The Saskatchewan Employment Act. Each have rights and responsibilities under the Act.
Workplace safety is regulated throughout Saskatchewan with set standards to protect workers and help ensure their safety. Both employees and employers have responsibilities in this regard.
The Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission is designed to protect the dignity, fundamental freedoms and equal rights of Saskatchewan citizens.
All levels of government collect money through taxes to help cover the costs of delivering programs and services to the public.
There are laws that protect the privacy of your personal information and laws that determine when and how you can access information in the hands of government.
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.