Workers can file a complaint with the Harassment and Discriminatory Action Prevention Unit of Occupational Health and Safety. If there has been a violation of occupational health and safety laws they can take action.
Workers can file a complaint with the Harassment and Discriminatory Action Prevention Unit of Occupational Health and Safety if they have reported harassment to their employer and their employer…
Occupational Health and Safety will determine if an investigation is warranted. If occupational health and safety laws are not being followed an Occupational Health Officer can require an employer to...
If Occupational Health and Safety finds there has been discriminatory action (reprisal or retaliation by the employer against someone who was involved in a harassment complaint) they will serve a Notice of Contravention requiring the employer to...
Anyone directly affected by the decision of an Occupational Health Officer can appeal the decision. This must be done in writing within 15 days of being notified of the decision. The Notice of Appeal must include the...
Appeals are heard by Adjudicators appointed by the Government for this purpose. A date is set for a hearing with input from the Adjudicator and the parties. Notice of the hearing is served on everyone directly affected by the decision being appealed. Hearings can be informal and Adjudicators can admit evidence that would not be allowed in a court of law. At the end of the hearing the Adjudicator can dismiss the appeal or change the decision.
An Adjudicator's decision can be appealed to the Labour Relations Board but only if the Adjudicator made an error concerning the law.
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.