Saskatchewan’s source for free legal information.
To order any of our free resources complete the form below, indicating how many copies you would like.
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Booklets and pamphlets to provide legal information to the general public.
A Death in the Family
Abuse of Older Adults
Abusive Relationships
Addressing Workplace Harassment (Out of Stock)
After Sexual Assault
Alcohol, Drugs & Driving
Being a Witness in Criminal Court
Buying and Selling a Home
Cannabis Checklist
Changing Your Name
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Protection
Criminal Law (Out of Stock)
Debts and Credit
Family Law Handbook (Out of Stock)
A 160-page, comprehensive guide combining three of PLEA’s most popular resources - When Couples Separate, ParentEdge: Parenting after Separation and Divorce and Single Parents.
Family Violence
Foreclosure Package
A set of two pamphlets dealing with the topic of foreclosure. Includes a process map to summarize the process.
Going to a Lawyer (Out of Stock)
Going to Criminal Court
Going to Youth Justice Court
Harassment, Intimidation & Threats
Health Care Directives
HIV/AIDS, the Law and You
Jail or Bail
Joint Tenants or Tenants in Common
Life After 60
Non-Profit Organizations
Older Adults and the Law (Out of Stock)
Parenting Arrangements
Parenting Orders
Patients' Rights
Peace Bonds
Power of Attorney
Renting a Home
Saskatchewan Income Support: Applying
Saskatchewan Income Support: Receiving
Separation & Divorce
Sexual Assault
Small Claims Court (Out of Stock)
Social Assistance: Appeals
Social Assistance: Special Needs, Advances and Overpayments
Special-Care Homes
The Youth Criminal Justice Act
Victims of Crime
Wills and Estates
Workplace Harassment Prevention Poster
An 8.5" x 14" full-colour poster: "It's not just part of the job / Sexual harassment at work isn't normal."
Workplace Harassment Prevention Training
A 65-page, 8.5" x 11" training manual, including harassment prevention information and quizzes for both provincially- and federally-regulated workplaces.
A collection of four pamphlets on the topics of Separation and Divorce, Family Violence, Parenting Orders, and Parenting Arrangements. Limited stock available in a variety of languages: Arabic, Farsi, Mandarin and Tigrinya. Order your copies today!
Family Law Package - Arabic Translations
Family Law Package - Farsi Translations
Family Law Package - Mandarin Translations
Family Law Package - Tigrinya Translations
PLEA’s Youth and Schools Program promotes the integration of law-related education (LRE) in schools. We offer a variety of classroom resources for educators.
Albert Camus’ The Plague: The Learning Resource
Contract and Consumer Law
Courts and Our Legal System
Democracy and the Rule of Law
Direct Democracy: Plebiscites and Referendums
From Dream to Reality
Law 30 Kit
Municipalities Matter
No Matter What: Annotated Version
No Matter What: Me & My Family
Our Government, Our Election
Rent: The Rights Card
A wallet-sized overview of renter's rights.
Rent: The Teacher's Resource
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town: The Learning Resource
Understanding Parole
Visiting a Courthouse
Your Rights under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
The PLEA is a theme-based, topical newsletter that contains background information and activities for students and educators. Single copy or class sets available.
Subscription to The PLEA Newsletter
Receive The PLEA as each issue is published, up to 3 times per year. Class sets available.
The PLEA 32.2: The Bathroom Barrister
The PLEA 34.2: Canada's Legal System: An Introduction
The PLEA 35.1: The Youth Criminal Justice Act
The PLEA 35.2: The Nazi Satire Project (Out of Stock)
The PLEA 37.2: Revisiting Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town
The PLEA 38.1: Revolution
The PLEA 38.2: Democracy and the Rule of Law
The PLEA 39.1: Cats and the Law
The PLEA 39.2: Direct Democracy
The PLEA 39.3: Reconsidering A Modest Proposal
The PLEA 40.1: The Mind of Machiavelli
The PLEA 40.2: Legal Immunity
The PLEA 41.1: Camus and The Plague
The PLEA 41.2: Vichy
The PLEA 41.3: Cyberbullying (Out of Stock)
The PLEA 42.1: Shipwrecked
The PLEA 43.1: Becoming a Lawyer
The PLEA 43.2: Curb Your Fanaticism
The PLEA 43.3: Contract Law
The PLEA 44.1: Running Jokes
The PLEA 44.2: Hanging Out 101
The PLEA 44.3: Rent: The Student's Guide
Special Instructions:
You must select at least one publication
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.
PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.