Workers who have experienced harassment have options when deciding what to do about it.
As an employer it is important to respect the choices a person who has been harassed makes about how and when to deal with it. However, as an employer you also have responsibilities and if an incident of harassment comes to your attention you must investigate whether the person wants you to or not.
Empowering bystanders to act, when it is safe and appropriate, is an important part of creating a harassment-free workplace.
Witnesses can:
- Decide if it is safe and appropriate to intervene while making sure that they do not themselves become a target.
- If safe and appropriate, tell the harasser directly and firmly that their behaviour is unacceptable. For example, by saying ‘I did not find that funny’ or ‘That is not ok.’
- Distract if they cannot intervene. For example, by asking the person being harassed an unrelated question.
- Find help from another person in the workplace to assist the person.
- Talk to the person who has been harassed and offer support. This can be done right away. A witness can also decide to wait and get information and advice about how to proceed.
- Document what they saw and heard. This could also include preserving relevant information by doing things like taking screen shots of texts, printing out emails, keeping photos, videos and copies of other offensive materials.
- Follow up with the person being harassed and offer to report what they saw.