Buying a house is often one of the biggest purchases a person will make. Whether you are buying or selling a house, understanding the law can help you make informed choices. There are many things to consider including all the costs involved, how to protect yourself against common legal and financial pitfalls and the role of real estate agents and lawyers.
A home is, for most people, the most expensive thing they will ever buy. Understanding all the costs involved can help purchasers make an informed decision about what they can afford to spend on buying a home.
Choosing a home to buy is a big decision. Knowing about options and potential issues can help.
There are different ways to sell a house and each have advantages and disadvantages.
Property Disclosure Statements filled out by sellers contain useful information but often do not tell the whole story.
When a house is sold the parties enter into a contract that has the terms of the sale.
Most people borrow at least part of the money the need to buy a home. Borrowers will have certain obligations to the lender.
When a house is sold the title must be transferred to the purchaser's name. The purchaser(s) have options concerning how the title will be held.
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