PLEA depends on members, volunteers and donations to continue to do the work we do. Browse the information below for more information about how to become involved.
You can purchase a PLEA membership for $20 for per year. You will receive a membership card, attendance and voting rights at the AGM, and the ability to be on the Board of Directors.
Memberships are payable by cheque. Please make cheques payable to Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan and mail to...
PLEA, 650-333 25th St E, Saskatoon SK S7K 0L4
PLEA provides understandable, useful information to the people of Saskatchewan. To accomplish our mandate, PLEA relies on volunteer lawyers to speak at presentations throughout Saskatchewan and assist us in various other ways.
Contact us if you are a Saskatchewan lawyer and interested in volunteering to...
We look forward to hearing from you!
As a charitable, non-profit organization, PLEA relies on your support. Businesses, community agencies and individuals are crucial to our continued success. If you find our free resources and services helpful and want to help ensure continued access to this valuable legal information, please consider a donation. No amount is too small! Every donation is a show of support for our efforts — and that is invaluable!
To donate securely online now use the CanadaHelps button below. CanadaHelps is a non-profit organization that enables us to safely and securely accept your online donation.
If you would prefer to donate by cheque, please make cheques payable to the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan and mail to...
PLEA, 650-333 25th St E, Saskatoon SK S7K 0L4
Official receipts for income tax purposes are issued for every donation.
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.