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Workplace Harassment Resources and Services


211 Saskatchewan

Offers: Free, confidential, 24/7 service that connects individuals to services in the province by telephone, text, or web chat as well as a searchable website.

Contact: Phone: 211; Out-of-province Phone: 306.751.0397

24 Hour Women’s Abuse Crisis Line

Offers: A crisis line for women experiencing any type of abuse, including domestic violence and sexual abuse.

Contact: Crisis line: 1.888.338.0880

Enough Already Saskatchewan

Offers: Information and resources on workplace sexual harassment as well as free employment coaching for employees who have experienced workplace sexual harassment and free workplace training for employers on sexual harassment prevention.

Contact: 30.675.71941

Canadian Human Rights Commission

Offers: Investigations into complaints about workplace harassment, in federally regulated workplaces, based on a prohibited ground such as sexual harassment.

Contact: Toll Free: 1.888.214.1090; TTY: 1.888.643.3304

HealthLine 811

Offers: 24-hour advice, education and support for people dealing with health issues, mental health issues or addiction.

Contact: Phone: 811

Occupational Health and Safety – Government of Canada

Offers: Information about rights and responsibilities regarding workplace harassment or violence in federally regulated workplaces.

Occupational Health and Safety – Government of Saskatchewan

Offers: Assistance to employers and employees regarding workplace harassment laws and regulations.

Contact: Phone: 1.800.567.7233; Email:

OUT Saskatoon

Offers: Free, 2SLGBTQ affirming, trauma informed, and culturally informed short-term counselling as well as support services, youth housing, and education and research services.

Contact: Phone: 306.665.1224; Email:

PFLAG Regina- Bilingual

Offices: Education regarding gender and sexual diversity

Contact: Phone 306.533.3965; Email:

Saskatoon Health Region Counselling

Offers: Free counselling for people of all ages, including youth, individual, family, and group counselling.


Phone (intake): 306-655-7777

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission

Offers: Investigations into complaints about workplace harassment based on a prohibited ground such as such as sex or race.

Contact: Phone: 306-933-5952; Fax: 306-933-7863; Email:

Saskatchewan Workers’ Compensation Board

Offers: Compensation for medical or counselling expenses and lost wages when an eligible employee is injured at work, including psychological injuries.

Contact: Phone: 306.787.4370; Toll free: 1.800.667.7590; Toll free fax: 1.888.844.7773

Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan

Offers: Support for agencies providing services to survivors of sexual assault and a list of member agencies that provide support to survivors of sexual violence in Saskatchewan.

Contact: Office Phone: 306.757.1941; Cell: 306.526.877; Email:

Talk Suicide Canada

Offers: Free, 24/7 support for people who are considering suicide or are concerned about someone else.

Contact: Phone (Toll-Free): 1-833-456-4566; Text:45645

United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Women & Gender Equity Committee

Offers: Information about workplace sexual harassment including the brochure #No More Sexual Harassment in The Workplace

Workplace Specific

Canadian Construction Association

Offers: Diversity and inclusion resources and tools for the construction industry.

Mining Association of Canada

Offers: A Framework on Equitable, Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces that members must follow.

Contact: Phone: 613.233.9392 ext. 316; Fax: 613.233.8897

Saskatchewan Trucking Association

Offers: Online training on the Canadian Workplace Violence and Harassment Regulations, for a fee.

Services and Benefits for the Military - Government of Canada

Offers: Information about the resources and services available to members of the Canadian Armed Forces and Department of National Defence employees who have experienced an incident of sexual misconduct.

Trucking HR Canada

Offers: Workplace harassment and violence training for employers and employees in the trucking industry.

University of Saskatchewan, Sexual violence prevention and response

Offers: Information and education on sexual violence and sexual violence prevention.

University of Saskatchewan, Student Affairs and Outreach

Offers: Referrals to self-care resources and services, assistance with requests for academic accommodations, and information about available options for students who have experienced sexual violence.

Contact: Phone: 306.966.5757

University of Regina, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response

Offers: Provides supports to survivors of sexual violence.

Contact: Phone: 306.337.3149; Email:

University of Regina, The Women’s Centre

Offers: Services including counselling and support, resources and referrals.

Contact: Phone: 306.584.1255; Email:

Women in Mining Canada

Offers: Free toolkit and action plan for Canada’s mining employers to welcome women and support gender diversity.

Resources for Indigenous Peoples and Communities

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line

Offers: Free, 24/7, culturally competent, telephone-based crisis intervention available in English, French, Cree, Ojibway and Inuktitut.

Contact: Phone (Toll-Free): 1.855.242.3310

Non-Insured Health Benefits for First nations and Inuit

Offers: Information about available benefits, including mental health counselling, and how to access them.

Contact: Phone (Toll-Free): 1.866.885.3933; Email:

Law Society of Saskatchewan- Finding Legal Assistance Directory

Offers: A searchable database of lawyers in Saskatchewan. Searches can be made for lawyers with different service models, pricing and payment methods.

Legal Aid Saskatchewan

Offers: Legal advice and representation to financially eligible people in some criminal matters and family matters.

Contact: Application Centre: 1.800.667.3764

Listen Project

Offers: Free legal advice to people who have suffered sexual violence or domestic violence.

Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan

Offers: Free legal advice to low-income clients in Saskatchewan.

Contact: Phone: 306.569.3098; Toll-free: 855.833.7257; Email:

Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund- LEAF

Offers: Information about options when faced with sexual harassment in the workplace.

Contact: Phone: 416.595.7170; Toll-free:1.888.824.5323; Email:

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