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Complaint Process

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Workers who want to make a complaint about harassment need to know who they should make the complaint to and what to include in the complaint.

Who to go to

Complaints are made to the person’s direct supervisor or manager or, if the supervisor or manager is the subject of the complaint, any other supervisor or manager. The workplace’s Harassment Prevention Policy can also name someone to receive complaints.

Individuals who are designated to receive complaints in the workplace are required to be adequately trained about…

  • workplace harassment
  • the workplace’s Harassment Prevention Policy
  • confidentiality requirements
  • their role in the complaint process, including the need to prevent workers from experiencing any kind of retaliation because of the complaint

What to Report

What to Include

  • what happened – who, what, when, where, how
  • any steps you have taken to stop the behaviour
  • impact on you
  • any specific remedies you want your employer to consider
  • any witnesses to the incident

What to not Include

It is best to stick to the facts about the incident and its impact on you. Statements or opinions about the alleged harasser’s character, motivation etc. are not needed and can distract from the issue.

The alleged harasser may see the complaint or a summary of it.

PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.

Workplace Harassment Prevention Training

CHECK IT OUT We're here to help.

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PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.