Below is a summary of the laws and policies that deal with harassment in the workplace.
Workplace Harassment violates workplace Harassment Prevention Policies.
Workplace Harassment is prohibited by Occupational Health and Safety Laws in Saskatchewan and The Saskatchewan Employment Act.
Workplace Harassment, based on a prohibited ground such as sex, is discrimination under The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.
Workplace Harassment in unionized workplaces is a violation of the Collective Agreement.
Workplace Harassment can be a crime if it involves assault, criminal harassment, intimidation, uttering threats, indecent or harassing telephone calls, extortion, the sharing of intimate images or any other action that is a crime under the Criminal Code.
The Regina Public Library and Saskatoon Public Library are hosting free Law Fair events during Saskatchewan Access to Justice Week to connect people with free legal information, assistance, and support. Attend to acquire legal knowledge and to broaden awareness of legal rights and responsibilities!