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If the person does not say ‘no’ to sexual contact there is consent.
A person can agree to have an intimate photo taken and shared with another person and still be protected against further sharing.
For the crime of extortion, the person must have extorted money from the victim.
For sexual assault, there must have been physical contact of a sexual nature without consent.
You can only access services for victims of crime if someone is charged with the crime.
If someone has shared an intimate image of you, without your consent, you can either report it as a crime or ask for a civil remedy such as monetary damages but not both.
Someone who is asleep cannot consent to sexual activity of any kind.
A person can be charged with criminal harassment even if they did not actually injure the person.
You can receive Victim’s Compensation if you reported a crime even if no one is ever charged with the crime.
PLEA offers free online training on preventing and addressing workplace harassment.
PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.