Special consumer protections apply to sales made by what are called direct sellers. A direct seller is a person who goes from house-to-house selling, offering to sell or accepting orders for the sale of goods and services.
You can report a direct seller who is not complying with the rules to the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority.
The Direct Sellers Act covers things like contract requirements, down payments, and cancellation rights. Although the law offers these protections, they may not help if the seller has taken your money and cannot be found.
A direct sale includes sales made by agents on your doorstep, telephone solicitors and in-home presentations. An example of in-home presentations is a home "party" or "information session". People gather to hear a sales pitch and to potentially order the goods.
If you make a purchase from a direct seller, the law allows you to cancel within 10 days after you receive a copy of the contract. If you do not receive the goods within 30 days of when you were supposed to, you can cancel the contract up to 1 year from the contract date. If you do cancel, the seller has to refund you within 15 days. These cancellation rights have to be clearly stated in the contract.
Some direct sellers are not covered by this law and its protections. Door-to-door sales by a farmer, commercial fisherman or a merchant having a retail store are not covered. This law also does not apply to the sale of newspapers, fuel, dairy products or bakery goods, or fundraising activities (such as youth groups selling chocolate covered almonds).
One way to avoid potential trouble is to only buy from licensed sellers. Direct sellers who are covered by these laws must be licensed. Door-to-door salespeople are required to have an identification card. When one comes to your door, you can ask to see it. You can also call the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority to check whether they are licensed. There are a number of other things you can do to avoid issues…
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