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Distributing Proceeds

Once the Sheriff has collected money by seizing accounts or seizing and selling property, that money is distributed among any creditors who have a judgment against the debtor and who have given the Sheriff enforcement instructions.

A creditor who has registered a judgment but has not given the Sheriff enforcement instructions is notified that funds are going to be distributed and given a chance to issue enforcement instructions so they can share in the funds distributed.

The funds are first used to pay the costs of seizure and sale of property by the Sheriff. The costs of certain court proceedings that may have been taken to help with enforcement are paid next. The funds are then, generally speaking, distributed to all creditors who gave enforcement instructions in proportion to the amount the debtor owes them. A creditor who gave the Sheriff enforcement instructions that directly resulted in money being collected will receive a greater share of that money. For example, if a creditor gave the Sheriff specific information about the location of an asset that is then seized and sold by the Sheriff.

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