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Criminal Court

Matters working their way though the criminal justice system can take time. Knowing what to expect at different stages of the process can help individuals prepare for their case and deal with the charges against them.

Criminal Charges & Alternative Measures

If you are charged with a criminal offence you will need to appear in court. In some cases it may be possible to have the matter resolved outside of court through the use of Alternative Measures.


Individuals charged with a criminal offence may be released on bail or may have a bail hearing to argue for their release. Individuals are not held in custody while their matter is being dealt with unless there are good reasons for holding them.

First Appearances & Trials

Individuals who have been charged with a crime will have many decisions to make as their case proceeds to court. Understanding the process can help you prepare for your first appearance and those that follow.

Parole, Statutory Release & Criminal Records

In most cases individuals who are sentenced to jail may be released before their entire sentence has been served. Their release may be subject to a number of conditions and they will have a criminal record.

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Housing & Communities

Planning for the Future

Death & Estates


Older Adults

Consumer Protection

Non-Profit Organizations & Charities

Debts & Credit

Courts & Legal System

Government & Government Agencies

Crimes & Fines


About PLEA

PLEA gratefully acknowledges our primary core funder the Law Foundation of Saskatchewan for their continuing and generous support of our organization.